RailsConf 2010 Day 3 Twitter Summary
The last and final amazing day at RailsConf 2010! It was such an amazing event. I gained a ton of knowledge, met some great people, heard and shared some cool ideas, and really just had a packed week of fun and learning. The Ruby On Rails community is truly amazing. I’m really looking forward to continuing to work with Rails and be part of such an amazing ecosystem.
Here is a summary of my Twitter activity for the day.
Having some breakfast at the last day of #railsconf. Should be another great day, it has been a great week. - 08:22 AM
PDP8 is rocking today’s opening #railsconf keynote - 09:13 AM
Awesome to watch @unclebobmartin’s keynote #railsconf - 09:15 AM
#railsconf is where things happen, you are on the edge - @unclebobmartin - 09:26 AM
Microsoft and IBM and others want to control programmers minds, Ruby is the rebellion language - #railsconf @unclebobmartin - 09:55 AM
Amazing keynote by @unclebobmartin. Everyone in computers should watch it when they post it. #railsconf - 10:01 AM
Really great info from OPNET’s CIO on Rails use in his company. Really taken Rails to heart and it has served them well #railsconf - 11:44 AM
@natecho I REALLY am, RailsConf is great. Such an amazing 4 days. #railsconf #win - 11:52 AM
Lots of people learning about what is new with AREL and ActiveModel at #railsconf right now. - 11:58 AM
Last day of #railsconf is going very quickly, wish there was more time to take all this great stuff in. - 12:10 PM
Lots of really great info on some new Rails 3 magic at the Rails Next Top Model presentation #railsconf (not rails 4…yet) - 12:20 PM
Learning how http://www.idapted.com/ restructured their huge Rails application into smaller more manageable pieces. #railsconf - 02:09 PM
Really interesting ideas and processes from http://www.idapted.com/ and their presentation about their application structure #railsconf - 02:39 PM
Really looking forward to the closing keynote of #railsconf by @garyvee - 03:05 PM
August 19th http://whyday.org, lets hack for the fun of it. #railsconf - 03:15 PM
The closing keynote at #railsconf by @garyvee is amazing. One of the most interesting speakers to watch. Such a great take on things. - 03:32 PM
@kastner - @garyvee says your face is beautiful #railsconf - 04:18 PM
I’m bullish on human beings (via @garyvee) Absolutely amazing keynote speech at #railsconf! The best possible way to end a great week! - 04:22 PM