My Favorite Podcasts - Spring 2015

Photo credit: Dan Ivovich
As I mentioned, I listen to a lot of podcasts. A LOT of podcasts.
You may wonder how I get through so many. There are a few ways:
- I use the wonderful Overcast with a speed increase and Smart Speed.
- I have a pretty long commute on some days.
- I listen a lot. When I do the dishes, working around the house, walking the dog.
- I listen while I work, which many people say they can’t do without getting overly distracted, but it doesn’t seem to bother me, just like talk radio playing in the background.
- I focus my time on my favorites, and I skip the occasional episode that doesn’t sound as interesting, especially when I get a long backlog of unplayed episodes.
Here are my current favorites by category. Hopefully this gives you a nice starting point if you are looking for something to listen to.
Tech and Internet
Accidental Tech Podcast A great weekly show mostly about technology, with Marco Arment of Overcast, Tumblr, and Instapaper, John Siracusa of Hypercritical and OS X Reviews, and Casey Liss of podcasting with Marco and John.
Inquisitive A show for the curious about being creative and doing your best work. Currently finishing up a great arc on the Apple App Store.
Reply All A great new show from the new Gimlet Media about the internet, and how it impacts people, while we try and impact it.
Security Now Current news and deep dives into security technology. Sometimes it requires a good amount of understanding to wrap your head around, but Steve does the best possible job to help everyone understand this important topic.
This Week in Tech The weekly tech show. Rotating panel discussing the past week of technology.
TLDR A short podcast about the internet. Short stories that are worth taking the time to listen to.
Business, Start Ups, and Work
Grit A mostly weekly show with great discussions about following your dreams and having the drive to be successful.
StartUp A great show following the start up of a new company every season. The first season covered the network itself (Gimlet Media) and now they are following the start of a new dating company.
Triangulation Probably one of the best interview shows on the internet. Great in depth interviews to really get to know some of the most interesting people in technology and beyond.
- Analog(ue) A great discussion about how technology is impacting our lives, both in good ways and in bad.
News, History, and Culture
99% Invisible A great show about design, architecture, and other things we don’t often notice around us, and how it shapes the world.
Death, Sex & Money A very interesting show about some of the hardest topics to discuss with others.
Planet Money A great show about the world economy and the impact of current events.
Serial The breakout and super popular spin-off from This American Life, some of the best high production value podcasting.
Invisibilia Very interesting discussions about the invisible forces that influence our behavior.
LOST Rewatch Rewatch the great show Lost along with the hosts of this awesome show. Now finally updating weekly.
The Moth Podcast Storytelling at its best. Live stories recorded, told without notes. Just some really amazing listening.
The Whisky Topic Podcast Whisk(e)y is awesome and so is this discussion about it. Mark’s book is also awesome.
Still to come is a post with some of the best episodes I’ve heard within the past few months.