My Favorite Podcasts - Spring 2015

Photo credit: Dan Ivovich

As I mentioned, I listen to a lot of podcasts. A LOT of podcasts.

You may wonder how I get through so many. There are a few ways:

  1. I use the wonderful Overcast with a speed increase and Smart Speed.
  2. I have a pretty long commute on some days.
  3. I listen a lot. When I do the dishes, working around the house, walking the dog.
  4. I listen while I work, which many people say they can’t do without getting overly distracted, but it doesn’t seem to bother me, just like talk radio playing in the background.
  5. I focus my time on my favorites, and I skip the occasional episode that doesn’t sound as interesting, especially when I get a long backlog of unplayed episodes.

Here are my current favorites by category. Hopefully this gives you a nice starting point if you are looking for something to listen to.

Tech and Internet
Business, Start Ups, and Work
News, History, and Culture

Still to come is a post with some of the best episodes I’ve heard within the past few months.